and fill out this page and return, only if the right of withdrawal is exercised.
Please contact Customer Service before returning any product. If the product is returned without contacting Customer Service prior, Skill Games ApS will decline the return and ship the order back to the customer at their own expense.
Please make sure to include information about your order being a RETURN item and the following information to your invoice for / from the courier company, as well as on the outside of your package to ensure correct delivery:
Returns Processing
Return (code: 4010F01)
{Product name} {Product price}
If the above information is not included in the shipping invoice for the selected courier, Skill Games ApS may decline the return and ship the order back to the customer at their own expense.
Zoo Factory ApS c/o Gundersted Købmandsgaard
ATTN: Returns Processing
Gunderstedvej 43
9240 Nibe